CROCTALES - Let's Croc!

CROCTALES START CROC ADVICE CROCking Sports & Events CROC DIET CROC Philosophyduck-talk & jobs

History & evolution    Early visitors (2001)  our little green planet  Trip around the world  Winter Adventures 2002 EconCOMICAL task force

CROCTALES weather service all about CROC


  Legal Eagle.. crook or duck?




CROC diät






get the picture?
































































Legal Eagle, crook  or  duck?















our little green planet




































































CROCTALES - visitor snap shots

On this page you'll find pictures created in 2001 when Croc & the bunch had several visitors. We are sure you can name at least one of our guests, right?


just an old friend stopping by

we're not picky

(Don't) pinch me! It's stone crab season.

Honey getting some thumbs up!

Still no idea why butter flies (shouldn't it be spread on bread?)

another South Florida resident - the Heron

bouncing all the way from Australia... the kangaroo (from the family of macropods = large foot)

With a cat nearby, our Cookie-Mouse is keeping a safe distance

Who discovered the cookie crumbs?

playing tennis with our pal

going even further back . . . to 2000

when a bunch of cousins visited the ducklings, and Croc took them for a ride on his cool red bike

And finally a family portrait:

Now that you've seen our visitors, check out the places we visited

on our trip around the world

Let's Croc!

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